Workflow automation - using keywords


This article is a part of the workflow automation series. In this guide, we cover how to set up a workflow to trigger using certain texts or portions of text. To learn about all the features in the workflow tab refer to this guide. All the examples in this series are customizable to your needs. 


Admin permission to create workflows in BMS


  • Navigate to Admin > Business Process > Workflow > New.
  • Create a new workflow using this guide and save it.


  • Set up a trigger for this action. Refer to the workflow guide to understand more about action owners.
  • For this guide, we will assume that a Client is sending an email to your parser with a certain keyword for which the system should run a workflow once the ticket is created.
  • Created By: Clients


  • In the conditions tab, for
  • The Title field correlates to the subject line of a ticket.
  • Details field correlates to the Body of the email
  • We will be using a keyword in the condition. This field is constant and the data in here has to always match the ticket subject line. 
  • We can use multiple keywords using this format Keyword1%Keyword2%Keyword3. The system will try to search for any of the three keywords in an Or Condition to match against the Ticket.


  • For our example, if the email coming into the parser has a connection or restored or both in the subject line this workflow will be triggered. 
  • You can change the triggers or add multiple ticket or account conditions as you please
  • Notification or updates can be set according to your needs. 
  • A similar workflow can be set up for Details as well. Details is also a constant field and need to match what is set in the workflow.


  • If you use both Title and Details fields, Workflow will take this as an AND condition. In an email, if the title and details are both matched the workflow would run. It won't work as an OR.
  • We don't support regular expressions in these fields. They will be ignored and only the text will be matched. 

Related Topics 

Getting started with workflows

Automation with workflows - using hashtags